An extensive list of file titles containing information about people, places, and topics of historical interest. This file represents one of the richest sources for the study of Ellen White and early Seventh-day Adventist Church history that is available. Begun by Ellen White's secretaries at the turn of the century, it has been expanded over the years by the White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University.

Displaying 301 - 350 of 2699 records

ID Number Title
0056-a Emmanuel Missionary College 1901-1915 -- Correspondence Regarding
0056-b Emmanuel Missionary College 1901-1915 -- 120 Year Anniversary Andrews University
0056-c Emmanuel Missionary College 1901-1915 -- Annual Wall Calendars, Commencement Programs and Council Meetings
0057 Signs Publishing Company, Ltd. / Echo Publishing House / Bible Echo Publishing House -- Australia / History and General Information
0059 Education -- Educational Articles and Manuscripts of Ellen G. White
0059.01 Education -- Counsels on Education (EGW Book - 1968) -- Materials taken from the 9 Volume Testimonies
0059.02 Education (EGW Book - 1903)
0059.03 Education -- Christian Education (EGW Book - 1893) - History and Materials Regarding
0059.04 Education -- True Education (EGW Book - 2000) -- Adapted, Updated, Simplified Edition
0059.05 Education -- True Education --Ellen G. White Statements Regarding
0060 Education -- History of Seventh-day Adventist Education / Schools / Educational System / Ellen White Regarding
0060.01 Education -- Object and Purpose of Our Schools / Philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist Education by Richard Hammill
0060.02 Education -- Location of Our Schools -- Ellen White Regarding
0060.03 Education -- Early Childhood Education in the Writings of Ellen White / Counsel on Preschool Education / Directives in the Spirit of Prophecy Regarding
0060.04 Education -- Ellen G. White's Writings of in the Field of Education / Educational Principles / Core of SDA Educational Philosophy Re EGW's Counsels / Modern Educational Trends Compared to Denominational Principles in EGW's Writings
0060.04A Education -- Selections From Testimonies; Concerning the Subject of Education, 1886
0060.04B Education -- Ellen G. White Letters and Manuscripts -- Mrs. John A. Paap Collection
0060.04C Education -- Sarah Elizabeth Peck Collection of Materials on Education in EGW Writings #1-5 (Copy of List)
0060.05 Education -- Correspondence of Pioneers and Ellen G. White Regarding Education
0060.06 Education -- Christian Education -- Benefits of - Historial Materials & and Ellen G. White Regarding / Christian Education -- Readings for Education Sabbath - 1914
0061 Law of God / Includes Charts -- Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding
0061.01 Law of God / Law in Galatians -- Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding / The Added Law
0061.01A Law of God / Law in Galatians -- Alonzo Trevier Jones and Ellet J. Waggoner
0061.01B Law of God / Law in Galatians -- R. F. Cottrell Compilation, Parts 1 and 2
0061.01C Law in Galatians -- Ellen G. White and Law in Galatians by Timothy E. Crosby
0062 Politics -- Voting / Temperance Issues / Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding
0064 Agreements / Lawyers / Lawsuits / Legal Services -- Manuscripts and Ellen G. White Regarding
0065 Inspiration - Biblical / Bible Writers (Prophets) -- Ellen G. White & Others Regarding / Was Bible Inspired / What Inspiration Is and How It Works / Inspiration-Revelation / God Speaking to Man / Higher - Historical Criticism / Biblical Authority
0065.01 Inspiration -- History of Inspiration in Seventh-day Adventist Church (1884-1994) by Alberto R. Timm (1995) / An Historical Study of the Development of the Doctrine of Inspiration in the Seventh-day Adventist Church (1860-1966) by Jerry Hoyle (1973)
0065.02 Inspiration - of Ellen G. White Writings / Evidences of Inspiration / Revelation -- Inspiration EGW's Witness and Experience / Inspiration and Authority / Affirmation of Prophetic Gift / Inspiration of the Sprit of Prophecy Related to Inspiration of Bible
0065.02A Inspiration - International Prophetic Guidance Workshop - April 1982
0065.03 Inspiration -- Spotlight on Inspiration Series
0065.04 Inspiration -- George I. Butler Articles Regarding in Review and Herald
0065.05 Inspiration -- J. N. Loughborough Regarding
0065.06 Inspiration -- Integrity of Prophetic Message / Who Told Sister White? / Was Mrs. White Influenced by Others?
0065.07 Inspiration -- Toward a Factual Concept of Inspiration (See also WDF 83.04)
0065.08 Inspiration -- How Ellen White Perceived Her Inspirations / Ellen's Comments on and Attitude toward her Work and Inspiration / Questions Answered
0065.09 Inspiration -- Are Ellen White's Writings an Extension of the Biblical Canon? / Authority of an Extra-Biblical Prophet
0065.10 Inspiration -- Which are Revealed: Words or Ideas? / Verbal Inspiration / Levels of Inspiration / Degrees of Inspiration / Does Inspired Mean Original?
0065.11 Inspiration -- Infallibility of a Prophet / Can a Prophet Err? -- Materials Regarding
0066 Life Sketches of Ellen White (Book) -- History and Editions
0066.01 Life Sketches -- 1915 Edition -- Materials Regarding
0066.01A Life Sketches -- Manuscript Material -- 1915 Edition
0066.02 Life Sketches -- Biographical Sketch by William Newton Glenn
0066.03 Life Sketches -- 1880, 1888 Edition, Chronological Material / History of
0068 Early Publications -- Mrs. E. G. White's Earliest Writings 1845-1851 A.D. -- With a Record of all Deletions or Additions to the Text Until the Printing of Experience and Views in 1851. Prepared by Arthur L. White
0068.01 Early Publications -- A Word to the Little Flock, 1845-1846 / Reprints and Reproductions (1944 and Others)
0068.02 Early Publications -- To the Remnant Scattered Abroad, 1846 Broadside / Material Regarding / Also Printed in Girdle of Truth and Advent Review, Vol. 1, #6 - Printing of EGW First Vision
0068.02 (Legal) Early Publications -- To the Remnant Scattered Abroad, 1846 Broadside, Material
0068.03 Early Publications -- To Those Who Are Receiving the Seal of the Living God - 1849 Broadside / A Vision - 1847 Broadside Printing of Ellen White's Vision and a Statement by Joseph Bates -- Materials Regarding / Reprints