An extensive list of file titles containing information about people, places, and topics of historical interest. This file represents one of the richest sources for the study of Ellen White and early Seventh-day Adventist Church history that is available. Begun by Ellen White's secretaries at the turn of the century, it has been expanded over the years by the White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University.

Displaying 201 - 250 of 2699 records

ID Number Title
0041 College Locations
0042 Negro / Blacks -- Black Seventh-day Adventists in North America / Black Millerites / North American Negro Department of the General Conference (Est. 1909) / Origin of Work among Black Americans / Historical Material and E. G. White Regarding
0042.01 Negro / Blacks -- Issue of Separate Churches, Congregations and Conferences -- Historical and Ellen White Regarding
0042.02 Negro / Blacks -- Colored and White Races -- Intermarriage of / Mixed Marriages / Multicultural / Interracial Marriages -- Historical Material, Experiences, and Ellen G. White Regarding
0042.03 Negro / Blacks -- Historical Contexts of Ellen G. White's Statements Concerning Race Relations -- Thesis by Ronald Graybill
0042.04 Negro / Blacks / Race Relations -- Relationships / Dealing with the Color Question -- Racial Question / Working Among the Colored People / Guiding Principles and Ellen G. White Counsels Regarding
0042.05 Negro / Blacks / Race -- Use of Term "Race War" and Related Insights by Delbert Baker / Racism
0042.06 Negro / Blacks / Race -- Comprehensive Statement of Mississippi and Yazoo River Work
0042.07 Negro / Blacks / Race -- No Color Line in Heaven (See Also Question and Answer File -- Color Line)
0042.08 Negro / Blacks / Race -- An Agitation and An Opportunity, Pacific Press Publishing Company, 1907
0042.09 Negro / Blacks / Race -- Oldest Negro Seventh-day Adventist Church Existing Today, Louisville, Kentucky and History in the Pacific Union
0042.10 Negro / Blacks / Race -- Origin of: Ham, Hamites -- Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding
0044 Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale / Chicago, Illinois -- History
0045 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Biographical
0045.01 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Birthday Celebrations
0045.01A Kellogg, John Harvey -- 100th Anniversary of J. H. K.'s Birthday
0045.02 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Banquets, Dinners, Celebrations
0045.02A Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Poetry / Poems Written and Music Selections Played at Functions for Him
0045.03 Kellogg, John Harvey -- Death, Tributes, Obituaries, Funeral
0045.04 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Ellen White -- Relationship / Attitude towards Ellen and James White
0045.04A Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Views Regarding Testimonies
0045.04B Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Ellen G. White Letters to Kellogg and Kellogg to Ellen G. White and William Clarence White
0045.04C Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- He Kept Ahead 5 Years in Medical Field Because of Knowledge of Spirit Of Prophecy / Ellen G. White
0045.04D Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- "Defense of Action"
0045.04E Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Alpha Heresy and Apostasy
0045.04F Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Angel Guided John Harvey Kellogg's Hand in Operation Statements
0045.04G Kellogg, John Harvey -- "Undenominational" -- Dr. J. H. Kellogg's View and Ellen G. White Comments
0045.04H Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Young, Norman H. -- Alpha, Ellen G. White and the Kellogg Crisis
0045.04I Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Ellen G. White Letter to Bro. Edwards with Enclosure for J. H. K.
0045.05 Kellogg, John Harvey -- Author / Editor -- Books and Articles Written -- Bibliography - Lists / Talks Given
0045.05A Kellogg, John Harvey -- Reed, Leclare E., "The Concept of God Expressed in the Writings of J. H. Kellogg"
0045.05B Kellogg, John Harvey -- The New Dietetics (Book) -- Material regarding
0045.05C Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Playboy 7/64 Reviews "Plain Facts for Old and Young"
0045.05D Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Notes Found in Book, Autointoxication or Intestinal Toxemia
0045.05E Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Skrzypaszek, John - "Kellogg's Concept of the Godhead"
0045.06 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Interviews with
0045.06A Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Stenographic Report of Interview with John Harvey Kellogg, 10-30-1902.
0045.06B Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Information Regarding Interview by George Amadon and A. C. Bourdeau, 10/7/1907 (See Legal File)
0045.07 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Correspondence of J. H. Kellogg (See also Separate File Drawer for Correspondence Materials)
0045.07A Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Halbert L. Hoard's Correspondence Debates
0045.07B Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Letter to Doctor Stewart
0045.07C Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Letters to George I. Butler and E. J. Waggoner
0045.07D Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Letters to Gershom H. Hill, Alfred Shryock, and I. D. Van Horn
0045.07E Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- James White Letter to John Harvey Kellogg, July, 1878
0045.07F Kellogg, John Harvey -- Loma Linda Vault Correspondence File
0045.08 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Chicago Mission / Chicago Work
0045.09 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Kellogg Papers on Microfilm -- Guide To
0045.10 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Books / Biographies / TV Programs and Films Regarding
0045.10A Kellogg, John Harvey -- Road to Wellville, T. Coraghessan Boyle, Satire on John Harvey Kellogg and Battle Creek -- Material Regarding
0045.10B Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Arts & Entertainment (A & E) Network / Biography Special on John Harvey and Will Keith Kellogg