An extensive list of file titles containing information about people, places, and topics of historical interest. This file represents one of the richest sources for the study of Ellen White and early Seventh-day Adventist Church history that is available. Begun by Ellen White's secretaries at the turn of the century, it has been expanded over the years by the White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University.

Displaying 151 - 200 of 2699 records

ID Number Title
0023.12 Pacific Press Publishing Association -- Branch Offices -- History & Information Regarding
0023.12A Pacific Press Publishing Association (1904-1915) -- Branch Offices -- New York City (1888-1903) -- History and Information Regarding
0023.12B Pacific Press Publishing Association (1904-1915) -- London, England (1889-1893) -- History and Information Regarding
0023.12C Pacific Press Publishing Association (1904-1915) -- Branch Office -- Kansas City, Missouri (1893-1924) -- Early History and Information Regarding
0023.12D Pacific Press Publishing Association (1904-1915) -- Branch Office -- Portland, Oregon (1904-1963) -- Early History and Information Regarding
0023.12E Pacific Press Publishing Association (1904-1915) -- Branch Office -- Calgary, Alberta, Canada (1910) -- Transferred from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (Branch Est. 1907) History & Information Regarding
0024 Confederation / Confederacies / Consolidation -- Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding
0025 Melrose Sanitarium / South Lancaster / Stoneham / Boston / Massachusetts -- History and Information Regarding / See Also SDA Doc. # 3544
0026 Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, California -- Early History
0026.01 School of Nursing -- Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, California
0027 Institutions / Institutional Work -- Ellen G. White Regarding Leaving the Employment of Institutional Work
0028 Australia / Early Seventh-day Adventist Work -- History and General Information / Articles Regarding
0028.01 Australia -- Experiences in Australia 1891-1899 by George Burt Starr / Original Booklet Printed and Photocopy
0028.01A Australia -- Experiences in Australia 1891-1899 by George Burt Starr / Working Pages - November 12, 1891 - December 29, 1892
0028.01B Australia -- Experiences in Australia 1891-1899 by George Burt Starr / Working Pages - 1893
0028.01C Australia -- Experiences in Australia 1891-1899 by George Burt Starr / Working Pages - 1894
0028.01D Australia -- Experiences in Australia 1891-1899 by George Burt Starr / Working Pages - 1895-1899
0028.02 Australia -- Ellen G. White Experiences / Missionary Work: 1891-1900 / For more information see book The Australian Years by Arthur White (Vol. #4 of Biographical Series) / See Also WDF #735
0028.02A Australia -- Ellen G. White Experiences / Xerox Copy of Autograph Album / Diary Album Given to Ellen G. White When She Left Australia, August 29, 1900
0028.03 Australia -- Early Churches / Congregations -- History and General Information
0028.03A Australia -- Early Churches / Congregations -- Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia -- History
0028.04 Australia -- Camp Meetings in Australia -- Brighton, Adelaide, Wellington, and others / History and Information Regarding
0028.05 Australia -- Young People's Christian Endeavor Society of Seventh-day Adventists -- Adelaide, South Australia -- Early History
0028.06 Australia -- Beginnings, Adventist History Awareness Sabbath November 9, 1991
0028.07 Our Australasian Youth and Sabbath School Guide (Journal) -- History and Unindexed Ellen G. White articles
0028.08 Tasmania -- Early Seventh-day Adventist Work
0028.08A Tasmania -- Ellen G. White Letters and Diary Excerpts Regarding Her First Visit
0028.08B Tasmania -- Hobart
0028.08C Tasmania -- Collinsvale
0028.08D Tasmania -- Bismark Seventh-day Adventist Church
0028.08E Australia -- Early Churches / Congregations -- Glen Huon, Tasmania, Australia (Oldest SDA Church in Southern Hemisphere)
0029 Sydney Medical and Surgical Sanitarium (1902+) / Summer Hill Health Home (1896-1902) -- Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia
0031 Spanish Work -- Literature / Spanish Editions
0031.01 Spanish E. G. White Books -- Correlation of Pagination
0031.02 Spanish Language / Topics -- Sanctuary, Cristo En Su Santuario - E. G. White and Dr. H. Cortes Study
0033 Forga, Edwardo Francisco and Margaret -- Biographical
0033.01 Forga, Edwardo Francisco and Margaret -- Papers Regarding His Work in Peru
0034 Avondale Press, Australia -- Early History
0035 Jewish Work / Jews -- Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding
0036.01 Gilbert, Fred Carnes -- Jewish Work
0037 Christian Help Work -- Ellen G. White Regarding
0038 Henry, James W. and Sarepta Myrenda Irish (Mrs. S. M. I.) -- Biographical
0039 King of the North / Daniel 11 -- Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding
0040 Young People's Society of Christian Service / Sunshine Band / Christian Volunteers / Young People's Department of General Conference / Young People's Society of Missionary Volunteers -- History
0040.01 Young People's Society of Christian Service / Sunshine Band / Christian Volunteers / Young People's Department of General Conference / Young People's Society of Missionary Volunteers -- Reading Course Series
0040.02 Youth's Instructor -- History and Ellen G. White Regarding
0040.02A Youth's Instructor -- Ellen G. White Series, "Child Life of Jesus"
0040.02B Youth's Instructor -- Volume 3, #2-6, Rochester, New York, James S. White, Owned by Phoebe Ann Rockwell
0040.02C Youth's Instructor -- Methods of Work with the 1915 Instructor Temperance Annual
0040.02D Youth's Instructor -- Article, "Words to the Young", November 9, 1893