An extensive list of file titles containing information about people, places, and topics of historical interest. This file represents one of the richest sources for the study of Ellen White and early Seventh-day Adventist Church history that is available. Begun by Ellen White's secretaries at the turn of the century, it has been expanded over the years by the White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University.

Displaying 251 - 300 of 2699 records

ID Number Title
0045.11 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Disfellowshipping of John Harvey Kellogg / Break with Seventh-day Adventist Church
0045.11A Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Break with Adventist Church, 1897-1907, by Keith Lockhart
0045.11B Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Disfellowshipping of John Harvey Kellogg - Keck, Irving - Letter and Statement Regarding Kellogg Situation
0045.12 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Children / Youth Adopted, Raised or Educated by Dr. Kellogg
0045.13 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Establishment of John Harvey Kellogg Memorial Fund
0045.14 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Story of the Kellogg Bookcase in Loma Linda University Heritage Room
0045.14A Kellogg, John Harvey -- Materials in Private Book Collection -- Information Regarding
0045.15 Kellogg, John Harvey -- Posture Chairs, Posture Panels and Benefits of Proper Posture -- Historical Material and Dr. J.H. Kellogg regarding
0045.16 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- Temperance Charts, ca 1883 - Photographs
0045.17 Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey -- McHenry Mansion as "Elmwood Sanitarium"
0045.18 Kellogg, Ella Ervilla Eaton (Mrs. John Harvey) -- Biographical
0045.18A Kellogg, Ella Eaton (Mrs. John Harvey) -- Recollections, Last Will and Testament
0046 Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tennessee / Gospel Herald Publishing Company until 1901 -- History
0046.01 Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, TN / Books, Journals, Other Materials Published by (Samples, Lists) Sunshine of His Presence by Ellen G. White
0047 Southern Union Conference -- History
0047.01 Southern Training School 1901-1916 (Graysville) (Moved to Ooltewah in 1916 and Became Southern Missionary College) / Graysville Academy & Southern Industrial School 1899-1901 -- Early History
0047.02 Southern Union -- History of the Educational and Medical Work of Seventh-day Adventists in Rhea County, Tennessee 1888-1988 by Vivian Eithun Littell / Graysville, Tennessee
0048 Southern Missionary Society -- History
0048.01 Southern Missionary Society -- Stationery
0048.02 Southern Missionary Society -- Board Minutes and Stock Certificates
0048.03 Southern Missionary Society -- Self-denial Boxes
0049 Home Missionary Department -- History and Organization
0050 Canvassing Work
0051 Books -- History of Ellen G. White Books
0051.01 Books -- Ellen G. White / Charts of Ellen G. White Book Titles (Publishing Dates) (1948)
0051.02 Books -- Ellen G. White / Pagination Problems (1956) *(We may not have this.)
0051.03 Books -- Ellen G. White Books / Problems of Scripture Exegesis
0051.04 Books -- Ellen G. White / Publication Dates for Spirit of Prophecy Books -- Information
0051.05 Books -- Ellen G. White / Conflict of the Ages Series - Material Regarding
0052 Books -- Ellen G. White / How the Ellen White Books Were Written
0052.01 Books -- Ellen G. White / Work of Editors and Literary Assistants
0052.02 Books -- Ellen G. White / Use of History -- Historical Discrepancies in Spirit of Prophecy and Ellen G. White's Understanding
0052.03 Books -- Ellen G. White / Compilations (General Information) / Books done after E. G. White's Death 1915 / Posthumous
0052.04 Books -- Ellen G. White / Editions of Ellen G. White Books / Spirit of Prophecy -- General Information
0052.05 Books -- Ellen G. White / Transparencies -- "How Ellen G. White Wrote Her Books"
0052.06 Books -- Ellen G. White / Family Heritage Books / Spirit of Prophecy Magabooks -- Material regarding
0052.07 Books -- Ellen G. White / The History of Redemption Book Set / Combination of Books by Ellen G. White -- History
0052.08 Books -- Ellen G. White -- Ferris, Winston - "The Literary Production of Ellen G. White (A Statistical Survey)" - March 1976, Andrews University
0052.09 Books -- Ellen G. White -- Moon, Jerry -- "Ellen G. White as a Writer, The Editorial Process" - Lecture Outline for GSEM S34, April 10, 1996
0053 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Biographical
0053.01 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Bible Studies and Sermons
0053.02 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Articles, Pamphlets and Books - Publications
0053.03 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Correspondence -- Letters to and from James and Ellen White (See Correspondence File) / Testimonies to Him for Ellen White
0053.04 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- What Became of Jones and Waggoner? -- Materials Regarding
0053.05 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Statement Refuting Charges Made by A. T. Jones Against "Spirit of Prophecy"
0053.06 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Experience of the People's Seventh-day Adventist Church, 10th and V Street North, Washington D. C.
0053.07 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Support of False Prophet -- Anna Rice (Phillips)
0053.08 Jones, Alonzo Trevier -- Sermon - The Third Angel's Message (Taken from General Conference Daily Bulletin, Feb. 27, 1893) Condensed Sketch of (Rough Draft Copies) by James R. Nix
0055 Books / Ellen G. White -- French Language / Translations / Reports of Sales / Lists of Titles
0056 Emmanuel Missionary College 1901-1915 -- Early History