An extensive list of file titles relating to the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Loma Linda University from approximately 1916 to date.

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Displaying 101 - 150 of 5165 records

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ID Number Sort descending Subject
2107.01 Respiratory Care / Therapy - School of Allied Health Professions - College of Med. Evan./LomaLinda Univ.
2107.02 Louisa Jezerinac Scholarship Award - Respiratory Therapy Department - School of Allied Health Professions
2108 Speech - Language Pathology & Audiology Department -School of Allied Health Professions - Loma Linda University
2109 Faculty/Staff (including Deans) - School of Allied Health Professions
2110 Allied Health Alumni Weekend (annual) / Homecoming
2111 Trailblazer Award - School of Allied Health Professions - Loma Linda University
2200 SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY - College of Medical Evangelists/Loma Linda University - (Header)
2200.01 History / General Information - School of Dentistry - CME / LLU
2200.02 Brochures / Promotional Materials - Sch. of Dentistry - LLU
2200.03 Christmas Cards/ Letters - School of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2200.04 Prince Hall - (includes Dedication of Dental School Building - W. C. Fleming - 1955)
2200.04A Prince, M. Webster, Dean Emeritus, School of Dentistry-
2200.06 Correspondence - Sch. of Dentistry - Various years included
2200.07 Minutes/Reports Committees - Sch. of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2201 Fiftieth (50th) Anniversary Celebration - CME/LLU School of Dentistry (2003)
2201.01 Fiftieth (50th) Anniversary -School of Dentistry - History Book
2202 Alumni Association of School of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2202.01 Annual Alumni Conventions - School of Dentistry - CME/LLU- (Alumni / student convention)
2202.02 Articles about Dental School Alumni - CME/LLU
2202.03 Alumnus/Alumna of the Year (annual)/Distinguished Alumnus Awards - School of Dentistry -CME/LLU
2203 National Association of Seventh-day Adventist Dentists (NASDAD):
2203.01 National Assoc. of SDA Dentists : Reports / Lists
2203.02 Testimonial Dinner In Honor of M. Webster Prince - Oct. 15, 1960
2203.03 National Association of Seventh-day Adventist Dentists (NASDAD):
2204 American Dental Association Council - Dental Student Register
2204.01 American Dental Assoc. Council - Dental Education
2204.02 North Pacific College of Oregon -(Not SDA) - Dental Classes(afilliated)
2204.03 American Dental Assoc. Council - Miscl. materials
2205 Commencements - Sch. of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2205.01 Honors Convocation Banquet - Sch. of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2205.02 Dentistry Pledge/Oath
2206 Century Club - Sch. of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2207 Dental Hygiene Degree - CME/LLU
2207.01 Capping Ceremony - Dental Hygiene 1995
2208 Publicity for School of Dentistry - CME/LLU (includes newspaper articles)
2209 Division of Continuing Education - School of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2209.01 Post-graduate Courses/Refresher Classes - School of Dentistry CME /LLU
2209.02 Teachers Conference & Seminar - Dental Health Education
2210 Publications: School of Dentistry - College of Med. Evan./Loma Linda Univ.
2211 Biomaterials Research Center - Restorative Dentistry - Sch. of Dentistry - LLU
2212 Faculty / Staff - School of Dentistry - (includes: Deans / Vice - Presidents)- CME / LLU
2212.01 Exhibits / Papers presented by Dental Faculty - Sch. of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2213 International Dental Program - School of Dentistry - LLU
2213.01 Medan Dental Clinic - Indonesia - International Dental Program
2214 Mission Trips to Mexico (students, faculty, & others) -dental work- started in 1958 - School of Dentistry - LLU
2215 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS)/MD program - LLU School of Dentistry
2216 Annual Dedication of Students - Sch. of Dentistry - CME/LLU
2216.01 Students /Alumni : Junior Dental Conventions - College of Medical Evangelists/Loma Linda University
2217 Clinic With a Heart (annual) - LLU School of Dentistry Community Outreach
2300 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE - College of Medical Evangelists/Loma Linda University -(Header)