An extensive list of file titles relating to the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Loma Linda University from approximately 1916 to date.

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3071.06 Study Guide for Lightbearers to the Remnant (SDA History textbook) / Quiz Questions
3071.07 Froom, LeRoy Edwin: Seventh-day Adventists; Reprint of chapter from the book, "The American Church"
3071.08 Choosing A Name: 150th Anniversary Celebration - Oct. 1, 2010
3071.09 Pioneer Days Programs / Celebrations / Heritage Sabbaths -
3071.10 Historic SDA Church Pulpits / pulpits connected to Ellen G. White
3071.11 Fisel, Fernand (Prof. Emeritus Indiana Univ. of Penn.) - Historical materials / paper
3072 Association of Adventist Historians -
3073 Adventist Historical Sites / Adventist sponsored Tours
3074 Adventist Heritage Magazine
3075 Fundamental SDA Beliefs / Biblical Doctrines - Lists & References
3075.01 Word of God/ The Holy Bible / Inspiration of the Bible / Biblical Writers
3075.01A Nature of Revelations to Biblical Writers
3075.02 Godhead, The / The Trinity (Father,Son, & Holy Spirit)
3075.02A Arianism / Trinity / Trinitarianism
3075.03 God the Father /Biblical Belief in God
3075.03A Conversations About God -sermons at Loma Linda University Church -1994
3075.03B Crane, Milton G. - God's Authority
3075.03C God's Will / God's Plan for Our Lives
3075.03D Nature of God -Eternity; Omnipresence; Omniscience; Omnipotence; Immutability
3075.03E Attributes of God (moral) - Holiness; Righteousness; Justice; Mercy
3075.04 God the Son / Jesus Christ / Nature of Christ / Divinity & humanity
3075.04A Human Nature of Christ
3075.04B Humanity of Christ / Human Nature / SDA Understanding
3075.04C Temptation of Christ / Tempter / Humanity - nature / Tested as we are
3075.05 God the Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost / Comforter
3075.06 Creation - Biblical Belief in (creationism vs evolution)(includes Darwinism)
3075.06A Creation Conference - Panel debate - CA - April 2,1994
3075.06B Creation Research Society - St. Joseph, MO
3075.06C Creation's Tiny Mystery - Robert V. Gentry - Papers & Responses
3075.06D Dinosaurs / Large Beasts -Creation vs Evolution / Ice Age theory
3075.06E Creation Stories / Creation Legends (in World Cultures & Religions (includes Chinese stories)
3075.06F Age of the Earth / Length of Human History / Geology
3075.06G Creation Theory vs Evolution Theory
3075.06H La Sierra University - Evolution vs Creation controversy (2009+)
3075.06I Theistic Evolution, What Is It? / Is it supporting scripture? & EGW statements?
3075.07 Nature of Man
3075.08 Great Controversy Between Good and Evil, The
3075.09 Life of Christ on Earth (general Information)/ First Advent / Incarnation of Christ(Birth of Christ)
3075.09A Ministry of Christ on Earth (healing,teaching, encounters with people)
3075.09B Crucifixion & Death of Christ /Saving Blood of Christ / Christ's Tomb/Site of Crucifixion(Golgotha)
3075.09C Resurrection of Christ
3075.09D Jesus as the Messiah / Messianic Texts (Prophetic) / 490 Day Prophecy - Daniel 9
3075.09E Why Did the Jews Reject Jesus -
3075.09F Seven Words / Phrases / Sayings from the Cross (Jesus)
3075.09G Shroud of Turin (stories about) - Crucifixion of Christ
3075.09H Christ - Suffering Servant of God / Sufferings of Christ
3075.09I Parables of Jesus/Stories Jesus Told/Lessons Jesus Taught/Sermons of Jesus
3075.09J "Passion of the Christ, The" (Mel Gibson film -2004)
3075.09K Fisher, Malcolm S. - "Qualities of Leadership in the Life of Christ as Found in the Writings of E. G. White" - paper - 1970
3075.10 Salvation, Experience of / Salvation Through Christ (how Saved)