An extensive list of file titles relating to the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Loma Linda University from approximately 1916 to date.

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Displaying 651 - 700 of 5165 records

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ID Number Sort descending Subject
3050.29 Church Universal and Triumphant-Elizabeth Clare Prophet-MT
3050.30 Church of Scientology International
3050.31 Church of God with Signs Following / Signs Followers -snake handlers
3050.32 Cao Dai: Faith of Unity - Vietnamese religion founded in 1926-Religions of the World
3050.39 Russian Orthodox Church / Eastern Orthodox churches - Religions of the World
3050.39A Russian Old Believers (split from the Russian Orthodox Church in 17th Century) - Religions of the World
3050.40 Christianity,Faith of - History; general information
3050.41 Free Church of Scotland (split from Church of Scotland 1843)
3050.42 Reformed Churches (Calvin / Protestant) - Religions of the world
3050.42A Huguenots / Reformed Church of France (founded by John Calvin) -Religions of the World -
3050.43 Cults -What & Who are They? - Religions of the world
3050.43A Cult Awareness and Information Center-Australia-(Critical SDA)-Web Site
3050.43B Cult: Are Seventh-day Adventists?
3050.44 Connexionists / Christian Connection - Millerite members
3050.45 Religion in Early America / Early Churches / Denominations - Resources & references
3050.46 Seventh-day Baptists - Religions of the World
3050.46A German Seventh-day Baptists / Dunkards
3050.46B Seventh-day Baptist Publications
3050.46C Seventh-day Baptist Books & Pamphlets published by SDA Steam Press (RH)
3050.46D Minutes of the Organization of the Seventh-day Baptist Missionary Association
3050.46E Seventh-day Baptists Missions
3050.46F Chart of the Week (Sabbath) / William Mead Jones
3051 Mission Work / Missionaries - Non SDA -- (includes John Patton)
3051.01 Medical Missions (non -SDA)
3051.02 Missions -short/long term -general information -includes student missionaries
3051.03 Christian Medical College - Vellore,India (non-SDA)
3052 World Council of Churches
3053 Circuit Riders / Circuit System / Itinerant Preachers
3070 SEVENTH - DAY ADVENTISTS - General Information - Brochures
3070.01 Stories & articles about Adventists - (mostly non-SDA publications)
3070.01A Los Angeles Times - Two Part article about Seventh-day Adventists -August 13 & 14, 1998
3070.02 Doctrines & Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists (Biblical)
3070.03 African-Americans( Blacks) in Adventist History
3070.03A Laymen's Leadership Conference (LLC) - est. 1961
3070.04 Adventist Pioneer Women / SDA Women Church Workers / materials regarding
3070.04A Seven Women, Seven Eras(SDA women) - stories by Joe Wheeler
3070.05 Amazing or Unusual Events involving SDA's -(includes Stanley Goose)
3070.07 Adventist Lifestyles (SDA)-
3070.07A Adventist Health Study #1 -LLU School of Public Health
3070.07B Adventist Health Study #2 - LLU School of Public Health (2003+)
3070.08 Seventh-day Adventist Theology - Development & Future
3070.09 Issues: The Seventh-day Adventist Church & Certain Private Organizations
3070.11 Moran, Frank A. , "Positions of the Pioneers on the Spirit of Prophecy" - paper - 1962
3070.12 LaRondelle, Hans K. - "Prophetic Basis of Adventism" - paper
3070.14 Adventist Heritage Library - Lighthouse Publishing, Inc., WI
3071 Seventh-day Adventist Historical Information / Timelines / Chronology
3071.01 Church Under Stress, A - Chronology (1930-1960)- Studies in Adventist History
3071.02 Anderson, Godfrey T. - "A Church Is Born - Conception to Parturition" (paper)
3071.03 Social Roots of Adventism - 19th Century background - papers regarding / classes / seminars
3071.04 Wearner, Robert G., "World-View in Early Seventh-day Adventism" (paper)