A list of file titles about Seventh-day Adventist churches located in the United States and world wide.
Classification | Country | State/Province | City/Town | Church Sort descending |
United States Church File | United States | Ohio | Lancaster | Lancaster SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lancaster | Lancaster SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Wyoming | Lander | Lander SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Maryland | Langley Park | Langley Park Brazilian SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Pennsylvania | Lansdale | Lansdale SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Michigan | Lansing | Lansing SDA Church (1897 +) |
International Church File | Laos | Vientiane | Laotian SDA Church | |
United States Church File | United States | Michigan | Lapeer | Lapeer SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Kansas | Larned | Larned SDA Church |
International Church File | Australia | Tasmania | Latrobe | Latrobe SDA Church |
International Church File | Australia | Tasmania | Launceston | Launceston SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Texas | San Antonio | Laurel Heights SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Maryland | Laurel | Laurel SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Oregon | Gaston | Laurelwood SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Tennessee | Lawrenceburg | Lawrenceburg SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Minnesota | Le Center | Le Center SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Tennessee | Cedar Grove | Leach SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Colorado | Leadville | Leadville SDA Church |
International Church File | Canada | Alberta | Leduc | Leduc SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Florida | Leesburg | Leesburg SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | North Dakota | Lehr | Lehr SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lemoore | Lemoore SDA Church -file includes Record of ConferenceTract & Missionary Society |
United States Church File | United States | South Dakota | Leola | Leola SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Massachusetts | Leominster | Leominster SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Idaho | Lewiston | Lewiston SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Los Angeles | Lincoln Heights Spanish SDA Church (1957) / Spanish American Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lincoln | Lincoln SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | New York | New York City-Queens-Laurelton | Linden SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lindsay | Lindsay SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Washington | Spokane | Linwood Worship Center / Central SDA Church |
International Church File | New Zealand | List of Churches & General Information | ||
International Church File | Dominican Republic | List of SDA Churches and General Information | ||
United States Church File | United States | Arkansas | Little Rock | Little Rock SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Colorado | Littleton | Littleton SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Live Oak | Live Oak Spanish Company / Live Oak Company |
United States Church File | United States | California | Livermore | Livermore SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | New York | Livingston | Livingston SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Michigan | Howell | Livingston SDA Church / Brighton SDA Company |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lockeford | Lockeford SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lodi | Lodi - Fairmont SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Indiana | Logansport | Logansport SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Redlands | Loma Linda Indonesian SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Grand Terrace | Loma Linda Korean SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Colton | Loma Linda Vietnamese SDA Company |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lompoc | Lompoc SDA Church |
International Church File | Ireland | Northern | Londonderry | Londonderry SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Lone Pine | Lone Pine SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | California | Long Beach | Long Beach SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Colorado | Longmont | Longmont SDA Church |
United States Church File | United States | Texas | Longview | Longview First SDA Church(1950) \ Kilgore SDA Church (1939) |