An extensive list of file titles containing information about people, places, and topics of historical interest. This file represents one of the richest sources for the study of Ellen White and early Seventh-day Adventist Church history that is available. Begun by Ellen White's secretaries at the turn of the century, it has been expanded over the years by the White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University.

Displaying 2551 - 2600 of 2699 records

ID Number Title
1059.01 Index / Catalog -- Numerical Listing of Ellen G. White's Letters and Manuscripts -- Expanded and Updated May 1973
1059.02 Index / Catalog -- Numerical Listing of Ellen G. White's Letters and Manuscripts -- Copyrighted and Updated - January 1994
1059.03 Index / Catalog -- Numerical Listing of Ellen G. White's Letters and Manuscripts -- Updated January 1996
1059.04 Index / Catalog -- Numerical Listing of Ellen G. White's Letters and Manuscripts -- Updated August 2005
1059.05 White, Ellen G. -- Letters Used in Book Illustrations
1059.06 Bibliographical Guides to Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church - Compiled by Gilbert Abella
1059.07 Ellen G. White Bibliography - Compiled by Marilyn C. Crane
1204 Green, Rose Annie -- Autograph Album with Letter About Ellen G. White and San Fernardino Academy
1207 Prophetic Interpretations / Millennium / Postmillennialism / Literalist Premillenniatism / Futurism Preterism / Modernish / Millennium / Millenarianism / Millenarian / Fundamentaist Movement -- Historical Material
1213 Teel, Charles, Jr. -- "Readings on Ellen G. White and the Church" (LLU class La Sierra Campus) Teel, Instructor 1982
1216-a Gordon, Paul A. -- Articles and Books Written
1217-a Mansell, Donald Ernest -- Armageddon and the King of the North Reference Bibliography, 1972
1232 Hudson, A. L. -- Doctrinal Issues
1245-a Stone, Charles Wesley -- Captian of Our Salvation, Booklet, c. 1886
1248 Vermont -- Historial Material and Early Seventh-day Adventist Work
1250 (Legal) Stuttle, Charles N. and Lillian Dale Avery -- Biographical
1269.01 Gane, Erwin R. -- Arian or Anti-Trinitarian Views Presented in Seventh-day Adventist Literature and Ellen G. White's Answer
1303 Graybill, Ronald -- Biographical and General Conference Worship Talks Regarding Ellen G. White's Literary Work: An Update
1303.01 Graybill, Ron -- Articles and Correspondence Regarding the Dissertation
1303.02 Graybill, Ron -- Study Guide for Light Bearers to the Remnant Textbook and Class Instruction
1303.03 Graybill, Ron -- First Draft of the Dissertation
1303.04 Graybill, Ron -- Second Draft of the Dissertation
1303.05 Graybill, Ron -- Third Draft of the Dissertation
1303.06 Graybill, Ron -- Editorial Guidelines and Sample Documents for a Documentary Edition of the Writings of Ellen G. White
1307.01 Risley, Dr. Edward Henry - Health Articles and Manuscripts
1360-a Jubilee -- Biblical Research Institute, Jubilee 1994, Fact or Speculation? (Ellen G. White's Counsel)
1360-c Jubilee -- Pioneers, Early Authors and Preachers
1365-a Lloyd, Ernest -- Correspondence with James Nix and Arthur L. White
1365-b Lloyd, Ernest -- Articles and Letters Written
1365-c Lloyd, Ernest -- Documents and Materials from Collections
1365-d Lloyd, Ernest -- Scrapbook Stories, Favorites of Ellen G. White, Compiled by Ernest Lloyd
1377 Millennium Theories / Temporal Utopia / Golden Age Coming / Earth -- Material Regarding
1399 Lonergan, Dr. Lester H. and Elsa -- Articles and Compilations From Ellen White Materials (See also SDA Bio File)
1399.01 Lonergan, Dr. Lester H. and Elsa -- Divine Leadership of the S.D.A. Movement in the World-Wide Propaganda: A Spiritual Theocracy -- Original Manuscript & Photocopies -- Donated by Dr. Lonergan to CME Library / Regarding Ellen White
1399.02 Lonergan, Dr. Lester H. and Elsa -- Collection of Early Seventh-day Adventist Letters (Approx. 1850-1920: EGW and Other Pioneers) and EGW Materials -- Donated by Elsa Lonergan to White Estate Branch Office
1399.03 Lonergan, Dr. Lester H. and Elsa -- 50 Years with the Last of the Seers by G. B. Starr -- Information Regarding Cataloged Copy of Unpublished Manuscript in Heritage Valult given to Lonergans by John Burden (See also WDF #496.01A)
1431 Pacific Union Medical Convention, 1907 -- History, Actions and Reports
1440 Haloviak, Bert -- Historical Material and Articles Regarding Ellen G. White
1440.01 Haloviak, Bert -- Pioneers, Pantheists, and Progressives: A. F. Ballenger and Divergent Paths to the Sanctuary
1440.02 Haloviak, Bert -- Ellen White and Doctrinal Controversy
1440.03 Haloviak, Bert -- From Millerites, through the Scattering, to Third Angel: Ellen White and Light from the Most Holy Place, 1844-1851
1441 Webster, Eric Claude -- A Critical Analysis of Christology in Seventh-day Adventism
1442 Andrews, John Nevins 1829-1883 and Angeline Stevens 1824-1872 -- Biographical
1442.01 Andrews, John Nevins 1829-1883 -- Articles and Books Written
1442.02 Andrews, John Nevins 1829-1883 -- Correspondence and Reports
1442.02 Legal Andrews, John Nevins 1829-1883 -- Correspondence and Reports
1442.03 Andrews, John Nevins 1829-1883 -- Washington Map used when Presenting Non-Combatant Status to the Government
1442.04 Andrews, John Nevins 1829-1883 -- Sermon, Talk and Sketch by James Nix
1442.05 Andrews, John Nevin 1829-1883 -- Pamphlet of Ellen G. White, Letter to J. N. Andrews and Sister H. N. (Harriet Nevall) Smith (Mrs. Uriah Smith)
1442.06 Diary -- Angeline Stevens Andrews