An extensive list of file titles containing information about people, places, and topics of historical interest. This file represents one of the richest sources for the study of Ellen White and early Seventh-day Adventist Church history that is available. Begun by Ellen White's secretaries at the turn of the century, it has been expanded over the years by the White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University.

Displaying 1051 - 1100 of 2699 records

ID Number Title
0282 Sin and Sinning -- Origin of Evil (See Ellen G. White's Great Controversy) / What is Sin? / Nature of Sin -- History of Ellen G. White and Pioneers Regarding
0282.01 Sin and Sinning -- Satan / Devil / Lucifer / Satan's Purposes and Methods of Deception / Demons -- Ellen G. White and Pioneers Regarding
0283 Hall, William Henry and Ella Mary Campbell -- Biographical / Diary
0284 Prayer for the Sick / Divine Healing -- Historical Material, Confirmation, and Ellen G. White Regarding
0284-a Prayer for the Sick / Divine Healing -- Experiences of Ellen G. White and Pioneers with Prayers and Healing
0284.02 Prayer for the Sick / Divine Healing -- Anoint / Anointing Oil -- Historical Material and Ellen G. White Regarding
0285 Organization -- Seventh-day Adventist Church; General Conference; History; E. G. White Role Regarding
0286 Astronomy Visions -- Historical Material, Confirmation and Ellen G. White Regarding Orion / Opening Heavens
0287 Organization -- Local Conferences -- 1861-1863 (Michigan)
0287.01 Organization -- Creed
0289 Chronology -- Flood to the Temple of Solomon in Spirit of Prophecy
0289-a Chronology -- Bondage of Israel in Egypt / 400 Years of Egyptian Captivity in Spirit of Prophecy
0289-b Chronology -- Graph of Time Periods in Ellen G. White's Writings by Siegfried Horn
0289-c Chronology -- Chronological Problems in Ellen G. White Writings
0289-d Chronology -- Work of Special 1939 Committee Regarding Chronological Problems
0290 General Conference Committee -- Ellen G. White Comments and Early History
0291 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists -- History & Organization -- Materials Regarding
0291.01 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists -- Ellen G. White Confidence In GC
0291.02 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists / Authority of / Voice of God? -- Pioneers and Ellen White Regarding
0291.03 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists -- Reorganization of General Conference in 1901 and 1903 -- Ellen White and Pioneers Regarding
0291.05 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists / General Conference Actions Regarding the Spirit of Prophecy - Historical Material
0292 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings - Ellen G. White Book -- History and Different Editions / Title Changes
0293 Christ's Object Lessons -- (EGW Book) -- History and Materials Regarding
0293.01 Christ's Object Lessons -- (EGW Book) -- Collection of Short Articles for Periodicals Selected from Christ's Object Lessons
0293.02 Christ's Object Lessons -- (EGW Book) -- Relief Book -- Sold to Help Pay School Debts / Relief of Schools / Provision for Funding Relief of School Debts
0293.03 Christ's Object Lessons -- (EGW Book) -- Missionary Book of the Year - 1970
0293.04 Christ's Object Lessons -- (EGW Book) -- Abridged Edition -- Voice of Prophecy Book of the Month - 1946
0293.05 Christ's Object Lessons -- (EGW Book) -- Ellen G. White Regarding Circulation of Book
0297 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- History, How Written and General Information / Translations - Languages / Editions / Title Changes / Advertisements - Articles and Stories
0297.01 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Illustrations (Various Editions) / Includes 1921 Edition
0297.02 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Proposed Yiddish / English Edition - 1942
0297.03 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Abridged for TWI
0297.04 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Chapters for Ireland
0297.05 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Editions with Evangelists' Pictures
0297.06 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Special Newspaper Printing / Supplement Edition
0297.07 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Adapted Editions / Booklets taken from
0297.08 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- In Poetry (To Be Like Him) Edition
0297.09 Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White (Book) -- Sorani Kurdish Dialect Edition, Project of Glenn M. Fleming
0298 His Glorious Appearing -- Abridged for Orient
0302 Centralization and Decentralization -- Material Regarding
0303 Cities -- Leave Cities / Out of Cities / Leaving Battle Creek, Michigan / City Conditions / City Living / Life / Country Living -- Ellen G. White Materials Regarding
0303.01 Cities -- Country Living / Commission on Rural Living
0303.02 Cities -- From City to Country Living
0303.03 Cities -- Organic Gardening -- H. C. White
0303.04 Cities -- Rural Living - Solution to Social Problems - Eusey
0304 Calamities / Tornadoes / Hurricanes / Floods / Natural Disasters / Fires / Catastrophes / Famines / Storms / War / Strife -- Historical Material, Confirmation and Ellen G. White Regarding
0306 Obituaries -- Miscellaneous
0308 Translators -- Things to be Remembered by
0310 Christ Our Saviour / Savior / Story of Jesus (Book) by Ellen G. White -- History, Correspondence and Ellen G. White Regarding
0311 Gift of Tongues / Glossalalia / Charismatic Movement / Ecstatic or Charismatic Experiences / Enthusiasm in Worship -- Early Adventist Experiences and Ellen G. White Regarding