A listing of published and unpublished manuscripts by Ellen White. It consists of 60,000 typewritten pages which are photocopies of the originals located at the Ellen G. White Estate in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Displaying 2051 - 2100 of 2700 records

Manuscript # Sort descending Year Code Number Date Place Reference Notes
MS-078 1912 Repent and Be Converted 12/07/03 St. Helena, Ca.
MS-078 1905 A Message to Believers 05/00/00 None OHC 92;2MCP 559;7BC 973;6MR 27-28
MS-078 1904 Our Work 04/00/00 None MM 89-90
MS-079 1909 Sermon/That It May Bring Forth More Fruit 09/08/26 Council Grove, Ks. UL 252
MS-079 1907 Extracts/The Temperance Work 07/08/15c None LLM 236-239
MS-079 1886 Sermon/At Orebro, Sweden 86/06/24 Orebro, Sweden HP 331
MS-079 1906 Leave Your Nets and Follow Me 06/10/01 St. Helena, Ca. TDG 283;UL 288;17MR 300;
MS-079 1908 Build On a Sure Foundation 08/06/19 St. Helena, Ca. RH 09/24/1908
MS-079 1903 How God Trains His Workers 03/08/04c None 8MR 422-424
MS-079 1901 Testimony to the Parents of the Los Angeles 01/08/18 None CG 107,110,251,259;AH 174,220-221,314;7MR 14-16,75
MS-079 1898 Missionary Work a Means of Education 98/06/22c None 8MR 258
MS-079 1897 Christ's Second Coming 97/07/29c None 4MR 115-116
MS-080 1904 Lessons from the Chronicles 04/00/00 None
MS-080 1886 Sermon/At Grimsby, England 86/09/21 Grimsby, England HP 353,354;9MR 249-251
MS-080 1903 Sermon/Whoso Offereth Praise Glorifieth God 03/08/01 St. Helena, Ca. 2SAT 228-237
MS-080 1901 A Message to the Los Angeles Church 01/08/19 None AH 174;CG 500-501
MS-080 1898 Love as Brethren 98/06/23c None AH 217,311
MS-080 1902 The Manufacture of Health Foods II. 01/02/16 St. Helena, Ca. (1902) KC 135-137; see 7T 127-131
MS-080 1894 Diary [Nov.] 94/11/00 Ashfield, Aus. From Ms 41, 1894
MS-080 1897 Diary/"At three o'clock my sleep is ended" 97/07/04 Cooranbong, Aus. MRmnt 124
MS-080 1905 "I am awakened at two o'clock to..." 04/08/25 Melrose, Ma. (1905) UL 251
MS-081 1909 Sermon/An Extended Work 09/08/23 Nevada, Ia.
MS-081 1907 Extracts/To Seek and to Save That Which was Lost 07/08/15c None From 5T and Lt 17, 1900
MS-081 1886 Sermon/At Grimsby, England 86/09/21 Grimsby, England 1SAT 48-51
MS-081 1906 The Object of Health Food Work 06/09/27 St. Helena, Ca. SD 70;4BC 1160;HFM 88-91
MS-081 1908 Words of Exhoration and Warning 08/06/26c None Educational Messenger 09/04/1908 and 09/11/1908
MS-081 1899 The Parable of the Talents 99/05/21c None WM 245
MS-081 1903 God's Chosen People 03/08/04c None
MS-081 1901 Talk/To Board of Directors of Pacific Press 01/08/21 None PM 61,91-94,195-196;9MR 95
MS-081 1898 The Rich Man and Lazarus 98/06/23c None TDG 183
MS-081 1902 Medical Missionary Work in the Cities of California 00/12/12 San Francisco, Ca (02) KC 138-140 ; see 7T 110-114
MS-081 1897 "I have a burden that I must communicate..." 97/07/07 Cooranbong, Aus. 8MR 254;11MR 156-157;SpM 75-77
MS-081a 1901 Talk/The Work in England 01/04/19 Battle Creek, Mi. GCB Extra 04/19/1901
MS-082 1904 The Use of the Tithe 04/00/00 None 7MR 135-138
MS-082 1886 Sermon/At Grimsby, England 86/09/00 Grimsby, England 9MR 253-256
MS-082 1898 The Leaven of Truth 98/06/26c None 2SAT 115-122
MS-082 1901 Interview/With Dr. and Mrs. Sanderson 01/08/25 St. Helena, Ca. CG 85-86,253-254;CD 489-490;1MR 71-72,282-283;1Bio 21
MS-082 1902 On the Location of Sanitariums 02/06/11c None From MS-041-1902 and MS-043-1902
MS-082 1894 Fanaticism and Side Issues 94/01/14 None RH 11/04/1965 and 11/11/1965
MS-082 1897 "I must speak to the students at our school" 97/07/18 Cooranbong, Aus. KC 95-99
MS-082 1905 A Change of Heart Needed 04/08/08 Washington, D.C. (1905)
MS-083 1909 Sermon/Seek Ye the Kingdom of God 09/08/29 Council Grove, Ks. Ev 237-238;3SM 248-249
MS-083 1907 The Colorado Conference and the Boulder San. 07/08/14 St. Helena, Ca.
MS-083 1886 Sermon/At Grimsby, England 86/09/00 Grimsby, England 3SM 420;8MR 104;9MR 256-259
MS-083 1906 Interview/Re Washington Sanitarium 06/06/12 St. Helena, Ca.
MS-083 1908 "I wish to make some statements regarding" 08/06/25 St. Helena, Ca. PC 34-35
MS-083 1898 "All who are led by the Spirit of God..." 98/06/28c None
MS-083 1901 God's Purpose for His Sanitariums 01/08/26 None Ev 210-211;1MR 227
MS-083 1902 Locating Sanitariums 02/06/11c None 7T 88-89
MS-083 1891 Sermon/Importance of Exercising Faith 91/07/22 Harbor Heights, Mi. 1SAT 150-154