A list of unpublished letters written to Ellen White held by the White Estate Branch Office. Some are hand written and others are original typed letters.

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Displaying 17751 - 17800 of 35803 records

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From To Sort descending Location Date Year Possible Stack Location Notes
White, Ella White, E.G. San Francisco, Ca. 03/09/09 1903
White, Mabel White, E.G. Healdsburg, Ca. 03/10/29 1903
White, Ella White, E.G. Unknown 03/12/27 1903
White, Mabel White, E.G. Unknown 03/12/29 1903
White, Emma White, E.G. Boulder, Co. 02/09/01 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/01/08 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/09/30 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/10/02 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/10/09 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/10/10 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/10/19 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/11/10 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/12/11 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 02/12/18 1902
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 03/01/08 1903
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. St. Helena, Ca. 03/04/23 1903
Whitelock, T.S. White, E.G. San Diego, Ca. 03/09/10 1903
Whitney, E.H. White, E.G. Battle Creek, Mi. 03/06/05 1903
Whitney, E.H. White, E.G. Battle Creek, Mi. 03/07/05 1903
Williams, Lilly White, E.G. Cooranbong, Australia 02/03/25 1902
Williams, Lilly White, E.G. Wahroonga, Australia 03/05/22 1903
Williams, Lilly White, E.G. Wahroonga, Australia 03/06/26 1903
Wilson, J. White, E.G. Fenwick, Mi. 02/04/23 1902
Wilson, J. White, E.G. Alma, Mi. ? 02/08/24 1902
Wilson, J. White, E.G. Quincy, Mi. 03/05/13 1903
Wilson, J. White, E.G. Fenwick, Mi. 03/10/02 1903
Wilson, J. White, E.G. Fenwick, Mi. 03/12/20 1903
Wade, P.A. White, E.G. Denver, Co. 03/09/14 1903 W.Msc02-03
Ward, Edith White, E.G. Cooranbong, Australia 03/05/01 1903 W.Msc02-03
Ward, Edith White, E.G. Willington, New Zealand 03/11/11 1903 W.Msc02-03
Washburn, H.A. White, E.G. Bethel, Wi. 03/07/15 1903 W.Msc02-03
Wilson, C.W. White, E.G. Bauer, Mi. 03/02/10 1903 W.Msc02-03
Winner, W.L. White, E.G. Philadelphia, Pa. 03/04/27 1903 W.Msc02-03
Yarnell, Silas White, E.G. Spokane, Wa. 02/11/23 1902 Y.Msc.02-03
Amadon, M.D. White, E.G. Edgefield, Tn. 05/03/11 1905
Amadon, G.W. White, E.G. Batttle Creek, Mi. 05/11/12 1905
Arthur, Jesse A. White, E.G. Batttle Creek, Mi. 04/08/14 1904
Armstrong, W.H. White, E.G. Wilmington, N.C. 05/05/19 1905 A.Msc.04-05
Armstrong, Mrs. W.H. White, E.G. New Beru, N.C. 04/05/03 1904 A.Msc.04-05
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. Redlands, Ca. 04/02/25 1904
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. Fernando, Ca. 04/08/17 1904
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. Unknown 04/??/?? 1904 First and back pages missing.
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. National City, Ca. 05/01/30 1905
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. National City, Ca. 05/02/16 1905
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. National City, Ca. 05/02/22 1905
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. National City, Ca. 05/03/06 1905
Ballenger, E.S. White, E.G. Los Angeles, Ca. 05/06/19 1905
Belden, F.E. White, E.G. Battle Creek, Mi. 05/09/12 1905
Belden, F.E. White, E.G. Battle Creek, Mi. 05/10/27 1905
Belden, S.T. White, E.G. Norfolk Island 04/04/12 1904