A list of unpublished letters written to Ellen White held by the White Estate Branch Office. Some are hand written and others are original typed letters.

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Displaying 11751 - 11800 of 35803 records

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From To Sort descending Location Date Year Possible Stack Location Notes
Fero, D.T. Sister Unknown 08/??/?? 1908 F.Msc.08-09
Belden, F.E. Sister Battle Creek, Mi. 14/02/27 1914
Colcord, W.A. Sister Rena Takoma Park, Md. 10/06/13 1910
Kellogg, J.H. Sister [copy for White, E.G.] Battle Creek, Mi. 93/11/09 1893
McEnterfer, Sara Sittig, Mrs. G. Sanitarium, Ca. 04/02/08 1904 21A:440
Daniells, A.G. Slade, E.K. Takoma Park, Md. 07/08/06 1907
McEnterfer, Sara Slauson, A.L. St. Helena, Ca. 06/02/09 1906 21b:113
McEnterfer, Sara Slawson, Alice I. Sanitarium, Ca. 04/10/23 1904 21A:557
White, W.C. Slawson, B.E. St. Helena, Ca. 14/01/03 1914
Accountant Smith Premier Typewriter Co. Sanitarium, Ca. 05/02/09 1905 16a:358
Robinson, D.E. Smith, A.D. St. Helena, Ca. 15/02/08 1915
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, Alice L. Sanitarium, Ca. 05/01/31 1905 21A:578
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, August St. Helena, Ca. 10/08/09 1910 21c:347
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, Birdena Sanitarium, Ca. 03/04/20 1903 21A:32
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, Birdena H. Sanitarium, Ca. 03/06/07 1903 21A:142
White, J.S. Smith, Br-Sr 54/08/29 1854 no year
Cranson, S.T. Smith, Br. 54/11/11 1854
Haskell, S.N. Smith, Br. 96/01/01 1896 in 1895
Steward, Mary A. Smith, C.A. St. Helena, Ca. 11/04/23 1911
Crisler, C.C. Smith, Carey S. Sanitarium, Ca. 09/02/25 1909 39:205
Crisler, C.C. Smith, E.M. Sanitarium, Ca. 09/02/28 1909 39:241
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, G.H. St. Helena, Ca. 09/01/31 1909 21c:116
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, H.A. St. Helena, Ca. 10/07/21 1910 21c:336
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, H.G. St. Helena, Ca. 06/01/16 1906 21b:73
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, J.A. Takoma Park, Md. 09/04/25 1909 21c:226
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, J.A. St. Helena, Ca. 10/01/18 1910 21c:292
MucKersy, H. Smith, James 96/04/19 1896 Misc.
Hibbard, E.J. Smith, L.A. San Fernando, Ca. 09/10/24 1909 H.Msc.08-09
Hibbard, E.J. Smith, L.A. San Fernando, Ca. 09/11/28 1909 H.Msc.08-09
Robinson, D.E. Smith, L.A. St. Helena, Ca. 09/09/24 1909
Spicer, W.A. Smith, L.A. Unknown 09/11/09 1909
Colcord, W.A. Smith, L.A. Takoma Park, Md. 10/07/27 1910
Colcord, W.A. Smith, L.A. Unknown 11/08/29 1911
Palmer, E.R. Smith, L.A. Takoma Park, Md. 11/11/16 1911
White, W.C. Smith, L.A. Unknown 10/11/15 1910
White, W.C. Smith, L.A. St. Helena, Ca. 14/05/14 1914
White, W.C. Smith, L.A. St. Helena, Ca. 14/05/28 1914
Robinson, D.E. Smith, L.A. St. Helena, Ca. 14/10/01 1914 In L.A. Smith 1914-15 file.
White, W.C. Smith, L.A. St. Helena, Ca. 14/10/02 1914
McEnterfer, Sara Smith, L.A. St. Helena, Ca. 08/04/17 1908 21b:459
White, W.C. Smith, L.A. St. Helena, Ca. 11/07/23 1911
Curtiss, S.N. Smith, L.A. Takoma Park, Md. 06/12/28 1906
Palmer, E.R. Smith, L.A. Mountain View, Ca. 07/02/20 1907
Palmer, E.R. Smith, L.A. Mountain View, Ca. 07/03/15 1907 With E.R. Palmer 3/15/07 note to WCW.
Bordeau, A.J.S. Smith, L.A. Mountain View, Ca. 08/01/06 1908
Chapman, W.S. Smith, L.A. St. Petersburg, Fl. 08/07/06 1908 C.Msc.08-09
Chapman, W.S. Smith, L.A. St. Petersburg, Fl. 08/08/07 1908 C.Msc.08-09
Chapman, W.S. Smith, L.A. St. Petersburg, Fl. 08/08/07 1908 C.Msc.08-09
White, E.G. Smith, Leon Unknown 91/10/09 1891
Haskell, S.N. Smith, Leon A. Unknown 09/01/21 1909