Item ID Sort descending Title Notes In Folder?
1 Life Sketch of Elder Arthur L. White, by James R. Nix, January 16, 1991 Yes
10 Biographical Data Concerning Arthur L. White, Secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate, dated Jan. 12, l961 Yes
11 Ordination Service of Arthur L. White, Message by Elder J. L. McElhany Yes
12 Citation, Arthur Lacey White: Doctor of Divinity Yes
13 Exhibits helpful in determining exact birth date of Arthur L. White Yes
14 Certificate of Death of Arthur L. White Yes
15 One-page release from GC, Bureau of Public Relations Yes
16 Photocopy picture of the White family dated August 7, 1929 Yes
17 Memorabilia: memorial service program sheets, Andrews Univ. commencement program, napkin from 50th wedding anniversary, Yountville SDA church bulletin announcing memorial service Yes
18 In Memorium, the Farewell Service, Sundown Vespers, A Memorial Service, St. Helena Public Cemetery, and Signs Memorial SDA Church, Yountville, CA Yes
2 Tribute To Arthur L. White, by D. A. Delafield. January 26, 1991 Yes
3 Life Sketch of Arthur L. White prepared by Paul A. Gordon, Secretary of Ellen G. White Estate Yes
4 Arthur Lacey White, by Arthur Lacey White dated October 12, 1987 Yes
5 A Tribute To Arthur White, by Norma Collins Yes
7 A Tribute To Arthur White, by Pam White, granddaughter Yes
8 Tribute To Arthur L. White, by Kenneth Wood, 1/26/91 Yes
9 A Tribute To Arthur L. White, from his family Yes