Item ID Sort descending Title Notes In Folder?
1 Reference and inventory sheet 1 page Yes
10 Perfection, quotations from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy 43 pages. Yes
11 Christian Perfection 10 pages. Yes
12 Be Ye Therefore Perfect by Joe E. Haskell, M.D. 14 pages. Yes
13 Answers to Fourteen Questions asked by S.D.A.s Compiled by Howard M. Lee. Yes
14 "Without the Taint of Sin: A Study in the Writings of Ellen G. White" by Bruno Steinweg. 1968. 14 pages. Yes
2 The Claim of Sinlessness, excepts from a sermon preached by Ellen G. White at Santa Rosa, California March 7, 1885. E. G. White Publications. August 1964. 2 pages. Yes
3 Perfection by Defense Literature Committee, General Conference 1965. 42 pages Yes
4 Sanctification / Perfection List of Spirit of Prophecy References. 1 page Yes
5 Perfection through Christ by Ed Shakespeare (Ellen G. White statements) 7 pages. 2 copies Yes
6 E.G. White Manuscript Statements on Perfection compiled by Arthur L. White 16 pages Yes
7 4 by 6 index cards on topic of Perfection 4 pages Yes
8 Perfection compiled by Howard M. Lee 58 pages Yes
9 Christ and Human Perfection by Erwin R. Gane, Some Theological considerations of Perfection, Outline Studies on Christian Perfection and Original Sin by Robert W. Olson Supplement to the Ministry. 30 pages Yes