Item ID Sort descending Title Notes In Folder?
1 Reference and inventory sheet 1 page Yes
2 A Study on events connected with the close of probation and the work of preparation for the time of trouble by Cora A. Hoopes 24 pages and chart. Yes
3 End of Time Series #12. "The close of probation" 15 pages. Yes
4 An open look at the close of probation by L. Charles Shultz, Mentone S.D.A. church 3 pages. Yes
5 Ellen G. White compilation from a study on events connected with the close of probation and work of preparation for the time of trouble by Cora A. Hoopes.. pages. Included darkness, latter rain, loud cry and 144,000 Yes
6 Sequence of earth's final events, a spirit of prophecy study by Franklin S. Fowler Jr, M.D. 50 pages. Includes charts, timelines and chronology. Yes