Please join us for the following LLU Library sponsored presentations at the Faculty Development Showcase, February 25-28, 2014:
Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 9:00 am
"Unraveling the Web of Science", Doug Nguyen, Customer Education Specialist, Thomson Reuters.
Have you used the Web of Science database lately? This one hour presentation will help you do more effective topic, author, and organization searches in the newly redesigned Web of Science. Learn how to work with your search results using the Analyze Results and Create Citation Report tools. There will be some time for Q&A at the end of the session. The Del E. Webb Library’s subscription to Web of Science includes: WOS Core Collection (Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index), BIOSIS Previews, Medline, SciELO Citation Index, and Journal Citation Reports (impact factors).
Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 10:00 am
"The Cochrane Collaboration and Systematic Reviews", Tora Horvath, Managing Editor, Cochrane HIV/AIDS Group Systematic Reviews Demystified!
This featured presentation is intended to help practicing clinicians and clinical researchers in synthesizing research into useful evidence by learning how to use and conduct systematic reviews. Tara Horvath will address the core methods for conducting systematic reviews of the scientific literature, and will focus on the rigorous, high-quality reviews of the Cochrane Collaboration. Cochrane systematic reviews help clinicians, public health practitioners, policy makers and consumers in making evidence-based health care decisions, and provide direct translation of cutting-edge research into practice. The Cochrane Library database is available to all LLUH entities through the site license provided by the Del E. Webb Library.