Compiled by: Warren H. Johns, Tim Poirier, Ron Graybill

Displaying 1351 - 1400 of 1587 records

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Author Title Publisher Pages Library Location Internet (eBooks) Notes
Talmage, Thomas DeWitt The Abominations of Modern Society NY: Adams, Victor & Co. 292 pp. A,H WE, AU Goo
Talmage, Thomas DeWitt One Thousand Gems: Striking Passages, Incidents, and Illustrations NY: N. Tibbals & Son 360 pp. A UCLA, UTS, NYPL Hathi
Tayler, Charles B. May You Like It Phila.: J. Conrad 272 pp. A LC, AU, NYPL Goo
Taylor, Bayard Colorado: a Summer Trip NY: G.P. Putnam & Son 185 pp. A AU, LSU (Micro.)
Taylor, Daniel T. The Coming Earthquake, and the Signs that Betoken its Approach Boston: Scriptural Tract Repository 106 pp. A,B WE, AU, LLU
Taylor, Daniel T. The Voice of the Church, on the Coming and Kingdom of the Redeemer NY: H. L. Hastings 406 pp. (A),(B) WE, AU, LSU Goo
Taylor, Jane The Contributions of Q.Q. to a Periodical Work London: B.J. Holdsworth 2 Vols. A AU, NYPL Arch
Taylor, Jeremy The History of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge 714 pp. B WE, AU Goo
Taylor, Jeremy Holy Living and Dying London: Bohn 525 pp. A AU, LLU Arch , CCEL 2 copies; full title is: The Rules and Exercises of Holy Living and Holy Dying
Taylor, William Our South American Cousins NY: Phillips and Hunt 366 pp. C UCLA, GTU Goo Many libraries have this
Taylor, William Seven Years' Street Preaching in San Francisco NY: Carlton & Porter 394 pp. A LC, AU Goo , MOA
Taylor, William M. Elijah the Prophet NY: Harper & Bros. 217 pp. C Wea, AU, PUC Goo
Taylor, William M. The Parables of Our Saviour, Expounded and Illustrated London: Hodder and Stoughton 445 pp. B,H WE, AU, LSU Goo
Teall, Francis Horace English Compound Words and Phrases (a manual) NY: Funk and Wagnalls 309 pp. C Goo
Teall, Francis Horace Punctuation NY: D. Appleton 197 pp. C AU Goo
Tegg, Thomas Chronology; or, The Historian's Companion..., 7th ed. London: T. Tegg 324 pp. C AU Goo
Temperance Tracts - see Anon. Select Temperance Tracts or Anon. Temperance Tracts
Temperance Volume - see Anon.
Theory and Practice of Teaching - only 2 poss., Page or Thring (1883, etc.), most likely Page
Thieme, F.W. Thieme-Preusser: a New and Complete Critical Dictionary of the English and German Languages Hamburg: Haendcke & Lehmkuhl 2 Vols. C Arch
Thiers, Adolphe The History of the French Revolution. By M.A. Thiers, tr. F. Shoberl Phila.: Carey & Hart 4 Vols. C Wea, AU, LLU, PUC Goo Many ed. (1827, 1840, 1854)
Thiselton, Alfred C. With the Prophets Joel, Amos, and Jonah London: Elliot Stock 319 pp. C BL No U.S. library has this
Thiselton-Dyer, Thomas F. Domestic Folk-lore London, NY: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. 184 pp. B AU, UMich Arch , DBI
Thomas, William H. The American Negro NY: Macmillan Co. 440 pp. S UCR, AU (micro. Goo
Thomas a Kempis Imitation of Christ A AU, LSU Goo Many 19th cent. editions
Thompson, A.C. Moravian Missions: Twelve Lectures NY: Scribner 516 pp. S AU Goo
Thompson, A.C. Christus Consolator; Hymns for the Suffering and Sorrowing NY: American Tract Society C AU Arch
Thompson, G.B. The Ministry of the Spirit Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publ. Assn. 223 pp. B SDA, WE
Thompson, George Palm Land; or, West Africa Illustrated London: Dawsons 456 pp. B LC, UND, Adrian Goo AU has 1969 reprint
Thompson, Henry A. The Schools of the Prophets Dayton: United Brethren Publ. House C Drew, UnitedLib Arch
Thompson, R. W. The Papacy and the Civil Power NY: Nelson and Phillips 750 pp. (B) WE, AU, LLU Goo , Arch
Thomson, William M. The Land and the Book, or, Biblical Illustrations... NY: Harper & Bros., Publ. 2 Vols. C Wea, AU Goo 1st publ. 1859
Thrasher, Max B. Tuskegee; Its Story and Its Work Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. 215 pp. B LC, AU Goo
Time of the End Not Yet - see Anon. Time of the End Not Yet C
Tischendorf, Constantine The New Testament, with Various Readings Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz 414 pp. C NYPL, AU, LSU Goo
Titcomb, Timothy (pseud.) see Holland, Josiah G.
Todd, James H. Discourses on the Prophecies Relating to Antichrist in the Writings of Daniel and St. Paul Dublin: Univ. Press 546 pp. C AU Goo Six discourses
Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth Personal Recollections NY: J.S. Taylor & Co. 357 pp. A AU, Umich, Emory Arch
Torrey, Reuben A. What the Bible Teaches Chicago, NY: Fleming H. Revell Co. 539 pp. B LC, AU, LLU, LSU Arch
Townley, James Illustrations of Biblical Literature Exhibiting the History and Fate of the Sacred Writings... NY: Carlton & Phillips 2 Vols. B WE, AU Goo , MOA
Tracts B This is probably a bound volume of Millerite tracts: Second Advent Tracts (1842-1843)
Trall, Russell T. The Hydropathic Encyclopedia: A System of Hydropathy and Hygiene, Vol. 1 NY: Fowlers and Wells 463 pp. B WE, AU, LLU, LSU Goo 1873 ed. also
Trapp, John A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, ed. H. Martin London: R.D. Dickinson 5 Vols. C AU Inventory has only OT Vols.
Tregelles, Samuel P. An Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament London: Samuel Bagster 374 pp. C AU Arch
Tregelles, Samuel P. Heads of Hebrew Grammar London: S. Bagster & Sons 126 pp. C NYPL, AU, PUC Hathi
Trench, Richard C. Christ the Desire of All Nations; or, The Unconscious Prophecies of Heathendom Cambridge: MacMillan, Barclay, and MacMillan 183 pp. (B) WE, AU Goo
Trench, Richard C. Notes on the Parables of our Lord NY: Tibbals Book Co. 393 pp. A,B,C Wea, AU, LSU, PUC Goo AU has several editions (1851, 1860, 1864, 1893, and an undated one prob. In 1880s)
Trigonometry - see Olney; another possibility is Loomis (1865). Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry A
The True Missionary [periodical] Battle Creek, Mi. B SDA
Trumbull, Henry C. A Model Superintendent NY: Harper & Bros. 188 pp. A Wea, AU Goo , Arch